Originally posted July 21, 2013

LIKE POETRY by Kristian O’Hare 
part of FringeNYC (The New York International Fringe Festival)
directed by Audrey Alford

with Katie Braden, Robert Crozier, Andrew Dawson, Jim deProphetis, Pat Dwyer and Brian Patrick Murphyat The Ellen Stewart Theatre at LaMaMa
74A East 4th Street (btw Bowery & 2nd Ave)
New York, NY 10003
dates TBA

Like Poetry traces the metamorphosis of main character, Stagger as he confronts issues of physical and emotional intimacy surrounding his homosexuality. By employing extensive knowledge of entomology, the poetry of Walt Whitman, and unique therapies of a nontraditional doctor, Stagger gains the skills needed to confront the past and embrace his future.

For Press inquiries:
Company Contact: Audrey Alford
FringeNYC press contact: Ron Lasko (212) 505-1700 x 11 or Press@FringeNYC.org
